Copyright, Contracts, Trademarks

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Copyright comes into being at the moment of creation. It applies to "original works ... fixed in any tangible medium of expression." You cannot hold copyright in a great idea until you have found a way to express that idea. And you cannot copyright something that's transient in nature like an improvisation, unless you record it (get it...

It is critical that you have written agreements in place for all of your creative projects and collaborative relationships. These agreements do not have to be lengthy or written in "legalese," but such agreements provide both protection and perspective. By articulating what you and someone else have agreed upon you are defining each party's...

Clients sometimes ask about the difference between a copyright and a trademark. Both involve intellectual property, but generally cover different territory. With copyright, think of artistic and literary works such as paintings, recordings, or books. Trademarks, on the other hand, are words, slogans, symbols, or designs that identify and...

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